Most of the publications should be available at your institution or via interlibrary loan. However, if you do not have access to a particular publication, please use the Contact page to request a copy. Alternative access also may be available through my Google Scholar Profile.

Guzman, A.L., & Lewis, S.C. (2024). What generative AI means for the media industries, and why it matters to study the collective consequences for advertising, journalism, and public relations. Emerging Media: Technology, Industry and Society.

Guzman, A.L. (2024). Rethinking communication between humans and social robots. In Leopoldina Fortunati & Autumn Edwards (Eds.), The De Gruyter Handbook of Robots in Society and Culture (pp. 313-334). Berlin, Germany: Walter de Gruyter.

Hepp, A., Bolin, G., Guzman, A.L., & Loosen, W. (2024). Mediatization and Human-MachineCommunication: Trajectories, discussions, perspectives. Human-Machine Communication, 7 (7-21). Note: Introduction to co-edited special issue. Open access.

Guzman, A.L., McEwen, R., & Jones, S. (2023). The SAGE Handbook of Human-Machine Communication. SAGE. Book website.

Guzman, A.L. (2023). Talking About “Talking with Machines”: Interview as Method within HMC. In The SAGE Handbook of Human-Machine Communication. (Author pre-publication version).

Natale, S. & Guzman, A.L. (2022). Reclaiming the Human in Machine Cultures: Introduction. Media, Culture and Society 44(4). Journal. This is the introduction to a special issue edited by Natale & Guzman focusing on the balance between humans and machines in studying agentic technologies. Author copy.

Guzman, A.L. (2022). Moving Human-Machine Communication Forward Through the Study of Non-Use and Failure. communication +1 9(1). Open-access.

Guzman, A.L. (2021) Should Machines Write About Death? Questions of Technology, Humanity, & Ethics in the Automation of Journalism. In Handbook of Global Media Ethics, ed. Stephen J. A. Ward (pp. 555-574). Springer. Chapter Website.

Guzman, A.L. (2021). Natural Language Generation. In P.L. Frana & M. Klein (eds)., Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence (pp. 243-244). ABC-CLIO.

Guzman, A.L. (2020). Ontological Boundaries Between Humans and Computers and the Implications for Human-Machine Communication. Human-Machine Communication. Open Access.

Guzman, A.L. & Lewis, S.C. (2020). Artificial Intelligence and Communication: A Human-Machine Communication Research Agenda. New Media & Society, 22(1), 70-86.

Guzman, A.L. (2019). Prioritizing the Audience’s View of Automation in Journalism. Digital Journalism 7(8), 1185-1190. (Invited Commentary).

The above commentary has been reprinted: Thurman, N., Lewis, S.C., & Kunert, J. (2021). Algorithms, automation, and news: New directions in the study of computation and journalism. Routledge.

Guzman, A.L. (2019). Human-Machine Communication: Bridging Disciplinary, Technological, and Theoretical Divides. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 96(3), 673-695 (Invited Commentary).

Lewis, S.C., Guzman, A.L., & Schmidt, T.R. (2019). Automation, Journalism, and Human–Machine Communication: Rethinking Roles and Relationships of Humans and Machines in News. Digital Journalism, 7(4), 409-427. Article nominated for 2019 Outstanding Article, Digital Journalism:

Guzman, A.L. (2019). Voices In and Of the Machine: Source Orientation Toward Mobile Virtual Assistants. Computers in Human-Behavior, 90, 343-350.

Guzman, A.L. (2019). Beyond Extraordinary: Theorizing Artificial Intelligence and the Self in Daily Life. In. Z. Papacharissi (Ed.), A Networked Self: Human Augmentics, Artificial Intelligence, Sentience (pp. 83-96). New York: Routledge.

Guzman, A.L. (Ed.). (2018). Human-Machine Communication: Rethinking Communication, Technology, and Ourselves. In S. Jones (Series Ed.), Digital Formations. New York: Peter Lang. Book website. Amazon site (U.S.)

Guzman, A.L. (2018). What is Human-Machine Communication, Anyway? In A.L. Guzman (Ed.)., Human-machine communication: Rethinking communication, technology, and ourselves (pp. 1-28). New York: Peter Lang. Author Copy

Guzman, A.L. (2017). Making AI Safe for Humans: A Conversation With Siri. In R.W. Gehl and M. Bakardjieva (Eds).,  Socialbots & Their Friends: Digital Media and the Automation of Sociality (pp. 69-82). New York: Routledge. 

Guzman, A.L. (2016). The Messages of Mute Machines: Human-Machine Communication with Industrial Technologies. Communication +1, 5, Article 4. doi: 10.7275/R57P8WBW

Guzman, A. L. (2015).  Evolution of News Frames During the 2011 Egyptian Revolution: Critical Discourse Analysis of Fox News’s and CNN’s Framing of Protesters, Mubarak, & the Muslim Brotherhood. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 93(1), 1-19, doi: 10.1177/1077699015606677. 

Guzman, A. L., & Jones, S. (2014). Napster and the Press: Framing Music Technology, First Monday, 19 10).

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